Tuesday, August 9, 2011

process learning - an art and a skill

Sometimes, just the process of learning is fun. Students in general enjoy cutting, gluing and art just because it is inherently fun. While doing such tasks they work on fine motor skills and feel a sense of pride, independence and accomplishment.

Students completed the work which they started at the Open House and the first day of preschool. They had met new friends and worked on the skill of how to make friends by finding a classmate with the same color yarn and gluing it onto a poster board. All the colors of the rainbow had been reperesented.

The first day they started with a single color whole piece of paper. each one cut it into pieces small enough to fit it in a ziploc sandwich bag. Today they glued the pieces onto another piece of paper.

We read a favorite story, the Rainbow Fish and talked about how friends share. We practiced sharing and even used puzzle pieces to pass around the table and then put them together to spell out the word: f-r-i-e-n-d-s

During outside time, we sang ABCs to help take turns and practiced using words to show respect when asking for turns.

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