Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rain Forest learning and mardi gras?

As we are currently learning about the rain forest AND it was going to be Mardi Gras, I decided the children could make bird mardi gras masks. We had a focus of the emergent layer of the rain forest which is the top layer. Mostly birds and sometimes butterflies are at this layer. We sang our rain forest song, we made bird masks, we made coffee filter butterflies and also misted water on our plants that we planted on the first day of the unit. Working on completing our mural of the 4 layers of the rainforest some students colored birds or butterflies. Look for their work on the mural of the rainforest layers. We add more each class until we will have animals in all the layers.
Outside, we explored the concept of camouflage with red and green toothpicks I had painted. I sprinkled them in the grass and the students had 2 minutes to find as many as they could. They found all 25 red ones and only 21 green ones. It was a very hands on way to understand and see camouflage in action. Plus it was so much fun.
Our letter of the day was Gg so we also painted green grapes with our fingers dipped in green paint. Students also love writing in water markers or even paint brushes dipped in water on the aqua mats. They practiced the letter of the day - g
We continued the fun on Friday with a bonus craft day for current preschoolers and future preschoolers where the students could make a cloud for the forest and worked on painting a huge strip of paper green for a vine. I was getting ready to transform the wall by the circle table into our very own "Great Kapok" tree.

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