Thursday, January 26, 2012

The path to learning leads to new perspectives

We have been reviewing shapes in class. As we do, the children are asked to really explain what qualities makes each shape its shape. I am encouraging them to count sides, talk about straight or curved lines and compare lengths of sides. Hopefully they can better undestand why an oval is not a circle even though they both have only curved lines or why a rectangle is not a square since the rectangle's sides are not all the same length. This last class we examined triangles and diamonds.
The students were challenged by trying to use a length of yarn to manipulate into various shapes.
For our P.E. time, each student was given a long length of yarn and the serious job of making a path with it outside. Then in pure fun fashion each child got a turn to be the leader as the rest of the class ran, skipped or whatever the leader did along the length of each path.
Students are continuing to practice their writing: their names and also labeling their work.
Many students are reading consonant-vowel-consonant words are are on the verge of reading the SAM books I have for pre-kinders which combine phonic words and site words.

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