Wednesday, January 11, 2012

WOW! So much has been happening in preschool. For Three Kings Day, January 6th, we made crowns, enjoyed traditional 3 Kings bread with chocolate milk at snack time, listened to my story telling of Princess and the Pea and played "Prince/Princess May I?"
For the story telling, I used my puppets and pillows and the children were absorbed as I told about the princess sleeping on 20 mattresses. As I stacked pillows and hid the pea (a green marble), the students smiled as the puppet put on her princesses crown at the end of the story to live "happily ever after" with her prince. Then I set up 3 pillows and put the marble under 1 of them. Students were excited to try sitting on each one, to guess where the marble was hidden.
To practice their newly declared prince and princess sensitivities, they put on their crowns they made and played "prince/princess may I?" The prince/princess clearly enjoyed their new power of saying "No, you MAY NOT," as other classmates asked, "Princess, may we please take 2 steps forward?" It was a very cute game and the children loved it.
We focusing on building words and word families. One of the pictures shows a student adding a letter to the -at ending to build a word. Each student received a box and inside was a letter to add to our pocket chart to build an -at word.
We are working on size words and order words, such as smallest, biggest or first, second, third, etc.
We are also exploring shapes and geometry for January.
SO much fun!

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